Notification on public inaccessibility of railway sidings operated by ORLEN UNIPETROL DOPRAVA, s.r.o.
ORLEN UNIPETROL DOPRAVA, s.r.o., having its registered seat in Litvínov - Růžodol No. 4, 436 70 Litvínov, ID 64049701
(hereinafter "ORLEN UNIPETROL DOPRAVA, s.r.o."), in accordance with § 22a paragraph. 3 of Act no. 266/1994 Coll.,
On Railways, as amended valid from 1st April 2017, as the operator of the following railway sidings announces that these operated sidings are PUBLICLY INACCESSIBLE.
Oznámení o veřejné nepřístupnosti železničních vleček.pdf